What Are The Best Plants For A Rooftop Garden In The City?

Looking to transform your rooftop into a lush oasis amidst the concrete jungle? Wondering which plants will thrive and add life to your urban rooftop garden? Look no further! In this article, we will guide you through the best plant choices for your rooftop garden in the city. From vibrant flowers to fresh herbs and low-maintenance succulents, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to bring nature to new heights as we explore the perfect plant selections for your urban rooftop garden.

What Are The Best Plants For A Rooftop Garden In The City?

Evergreen Plants

Evergreen plants are a great addition to any rooftop garden in the city. These plants are known for their ability to retain their leaves all year round, adding much-needed color and greenery to rooftop spaces that may lack natural vegetation. Four popular evergreen plant options for a rooftop garden include Boxwood, Japanese Yew, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, and Juniper. Each of these plants offers unique characteristics and benefits that make them ideal for urban gardening.


Boxwood is a versatile evergreen shrub that adds both structure and elegance to a rooftop garden. With its dense, compact growth habit and small, glossy leaves, boxwood provides year-round interest and acts as a perfect backdrop for other plants in the garden. It can be pruned into various shapes or maintained in its natural form, making it suitable for different garden styles.

Japanese Yew

Japanese Yew, also known as Taxus cuspidata, is a slow-growing evergreen shrub that thrives in urban environments. Its dark green foliage and wide-spreading branches create a lush and dense display, making it an excellent choice for privacy screening on rooftops. The Japanese Yew is also low-maintenance and has a high tolerance for air pollution, making it well-suited for the city.

Dwarf Alberta Spruce

If you’re looking for a compact evergreen with a unique shape, consider Dwarf Alberta Spruce. This conical-shaped conifer adds a touch of elegance to any rooftop garden. Its soft, green needles create a dense and symmetrical form that provides year-round interest. The slow growth rate makes it ideal for small spaces, and it requires minimal pruning to maintain its shape.


Juniper is a versatile evergreen shrub that deserves a place in your rooftop garden. With its varying forms, from low-growing ground covers to tall screening varieties, Juniper offers options to suit any space and purpose. Its needle-like foliage provides a vibrant green color throughout the year, and some species even produce berries, adding an extra touch of visual interest.

Flowering Plants

Nothing brings life and vibrancy to a rooftop garden like flowering plants. These plants provide a burst of color, enticing pollinators, and creating a pleasant ambiance. Four popular flowering plant options for a rooftop garden include Lavender, Rose, Geranium, and Dahlia. Each of these plants offers unique blooms and characteristics that will enhance the beauty of your rooftop oasis.


Lavender is a timeless favorite for its aromatic fragrance and delicate purple flowers. This low-maintenance perennial is well-suited to rooftop gardens due to its drought tolerance and ability to thrive in sunny locations. The soothing scent of lavender can provide a calming atmosphere, making it an excellent choice for relaxation spaces on your rooftop.


Roses are known for their beauty and elegance, making them a classic choice for any garden, including rooftop spaces. With a wide variety of colors, sizes, and growth habits available, you can find a rose that suits your preferences and space constraints. From climbing roses on trellises to compact shrub roses in containers, these flowering plants add charm and romance to your urban oasis.


Geraniums are versatile plants that come in a wide range of colors and forms, making them a popular choice for rooftop gardens. These flowering plants are relatively low-maintenance and can tolerate various growing conditions, including heat and drought. Geraniums are ideal for container gardening, adding vibrant pops of color to your rooftop while attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies.


Dahlias are showstoppers in any garden, and their large, colorful flowers make a bold statement on a rooftop. With their wide range of colors, sizes, and flower forms, there is a dahlia variety for every garden style. These plants thrive in full sun and require regular watering, but their stunning blooms are well worth the effort. Consider growing dwarf varieties or using containers to make the most of limited rooftop space.

What Are The Best Plants For A Rooftop Garden In The City?

Edible Plants

Growing edible plants in a rooftop garden is not only rewarding but also a practical way to incorporate fresh produce into your urban lifestyle. From juicy tomatoes to fragrant herbs, there are plenty of edible options to choose from for your rooftop garden. Four popular edible plant choices include Tomatoes, Herbs, Strawberries, and Lettuce. Whether you have a large rooftop space or just a few containers, these plants can provide a bountiful harvest and enhance your culinary adventures.


Tomatoes are a staple in many home gardens, and they thrive in rooftop gardens as well. From cherry tomatoes to beefsteak varieties, there is a tomato plant suitable for almost every type of rooftop garden. These plants require full sun, consistent watering, and support structures like trellises or cages for optimum growth. Grow them in containers or raised beds, and soon you’ll enjoy the taste of fresh, homegrown tomatoes.

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Herbs are the perfect addition to any edible rooftop garden. From basil to mint, thyme to parsley, growing your own herbs is not only cost-effective but also allows you to have fresh flavors at your fingertips. These plants are typically low-maintenance and can thrive in containers or small garden beds. With their aromatic foliage and culinary versatility, herbs are an excellent choice for urban gardening enthusiasts.


Imagine plucking ripe, juicy strawberries from your own rooftop garden. Strawberries are a delicious and attractive addition to any edible garden, offering vibrant colors and sweet flavors. They can be grown in containers or even hanging baskets, making them perfect for rooftop gardens with limited space. Provide them with full sun, well-draining soil, and regular watering, and you’ll be rewarded with abundant harvests of this beloved fruit.


Lettuce is a cool-season crop that thrives in container gardens and raised beds, making it an ideal choice for urban rooftop gardening. This leafy green vegetable is easy to grow and provides a continuous supply of fresh salad greens throughout the season. Depending on the variety, lettuce can tolerate partial shade, making it suitable for rooftops that receive limited sunlight. Harvest young leaves for baby greens or wait for the heads to mature for a crunchy salad base.

Vines and Climbers

If you want to add vertical interest and create a lush, green haven in your rooftop garden, consider vines and climbers. These plants grow upward and can cover walls, trellises, or pergolas, transforming your rooftop into a green oasis. Four popular choices for vines and climbers in a rooftop garden include Clematis, Wisteria, Climbing Roses, and Honeysuckle. Each of these plants offers unique characteristics and visual appeal that will elevate your rooftop space.


Clematis are highly regarded for their exquisite flowers and ability to climb and cover structures. With their showy blooms in a wide range of colors, clematis adds a touch of elegance to any rooftop garden. These hardy plants come in various growth habits, including upright, sprawling, or twining, allowing you to choose one that fits your rooftop design and available support structures.


Known for its stunning clusters of fragrant, hanging flowers, Wisteria is a spectacular choice for a rooftop garden. While it may require a sturdy structure to support its weight, the sight of its cascading blooms in spring is truly magnificent. Wisteria is a vigorous grower, so regular pruning is necessary to maintain its size and shape. With proper care and training, this vine can transform your rooftop into a beautiful flowering paradise.

Climbing Roses

Climbing roses are a classic choice for vertical gardening, adding romance and charm to your rooftop garden. Known for their fragrant flowers and climbing abilities, these roses can be trained to cover walls, trellises, or arbors, providing a breathtaking display. Choose from a wide range of colors and varieties, and enjoy the beauty and elegance that climbing roses bring to your urban oasis.


Honeysuckle is a versatile vine that offers both visual appeal and a delightful fragrance to your rooftop garden. With its twining growth habit and vibrant flowers, honeysuckle can provide a lush, green backdrop while attracting hummingbirds and butterflies. Depending on the variety, some honeysuckle plants may also produce edible berries. Choose a suitable support structure, and watch as this vine adds a touch of whimsy to your urban space.

What Are The Best Plants For A Rooftop Garden In The City?


Succulents are an excellent choice for rooftop gardens due to their ability to tolerate dry conditions and their unique, architectural forms. These low-maintenance plants come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them perfect for adding interest and diversity to your rooftop oasis. Four popular succulents to consider for your rooftop garden include Sedum, Aloe Vera, Echeveria, and Jade Plant. Each of these plants offers distinctive characteristics that will enhance the beauty of your urban space.


Sedum, also known as stonecrop, is a reliable and drought-tolerant succulent that thrives in rooftop gardens. With its fleshy leaves and vibrant flowers, sedum adds texture and color to your rooftop oasis. There are various sedum species and cultivars available, ranging from low-growing ground covers to taller varieties that create vertical interest. These plants require little maintenance and are perfectly suited to the urban gardener.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is not only a beautiful succulent but also a plant with numerous health benefits. Its fleshy, serrated leaves contain gel that can be used to soothe sunburns, heal wounds, and moisturize the skin. Aloe Vera is relatively low-maintenance and can thrive in a range of growing conditions, including rooftop gardens. Its upright form and unique foliage make it an eye-catching addition to any urban space.


Echeveria is a popular succulent known for its rosette-shaped leaves and striking colors. From soft pastels to deep purples, echeveria adds a touch of elegance to rooftop gardens. These drought-tolerant plants are ideal for small containers or as part of a succulent arrangement. Echeveria requires bright, filtered light and well-draining soil to thrive, making it a perfect choice for sun-drenched rooftops.

Jade Plant

Jade Plant, also known as Crassula ovata, is a classic succulent with a unique tree-like form. This versatile plant is easy to care for and can adapt to various growing conditions, including rooftop gardens. Jade Plant features fleshy, oval-shaped leaves and can grow tall over time, adding a vertical element to your rooftop garden. Its ability to retain water in its leaves makes it a resilient choice for urban gardeners.

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Grasses are a versatile and visually appealing addition to any rooftop garden. These plants provide movement, texture, and interest, and their low-maintenance nature makes them perfect for urban gardening. Four popular grasses to consider for your rooftop garden include Feather Reed Grass, Blue Oat Grass, Maiden Grass, and Fountain Grass. Each of these grasses offers unique characteristics and visual appeal that will elevate your rooftop space.

Feather Reed Grass

Feather Reed Grass, also known as Calamagrostis x acutiflora, is a graceful and hardy perennial grass. Its slender, arching stems bear feathery plumes that emerge in early summer, creating a stunning vertical display. Feather Reed Grass is adaptable to various growing conditions and can tolerate both sunny and partially shaded locations. It provides year-round interest and is an excellent choice for adding movement and elegance to your rooftop garden.

Blue Oat Grass

Blue Oat Grass, also known as Helictotrichon sempervirens, is an eye-catching grass known for its blue-gray foliage. Its spiky leaves form dense clumps and add a touch of drama to any garden space. Blue Oat Grass prefers full sun and well-draining soil, making it ideal for rooftop gardens. Its unique color and texture make it a standout choice for adding contrast and interest to your urban oasis.

Maiden Grass

Maiden Grass, also known as Miscanthus sinensis, is a tall and elegant grass that adds drama and movement to your rooftop garden. With its arching leaves and feathery plumes that sway in the breeze, Maiden Grass creates a dynamic display throughout the seasons. This grass is low-maintenance and drought-tolerant, making it well-suited for rooftop environments. Choose varieties with different heights and textures to create a visually pleasing composition.

Fountain Grass

Fountain Grass, also known as Pennisetum setaceum, is a popular ornamental grass that adds a touch of elegance and whimsy to rooftop gardens. Its fluffy, bottlebrush-like flowers and gracefully arching foliage create a fountain-like effect, hence the name. Fountain Grass thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, and its soft texture adds a contrasting element to hard surfaces in urban landscapes. Consider planting it in containers or massing it around seating areas for maximum impact.

Fruit Trees

Growing fruit trees in a rooftop garden is not only a rewarding experience but also an excellent way to enjoy fresh fruit in the heart of the city. While fruit trees require additional care and maintenance, the benefits they offer in terms of beauty, shade, and the fruits they bear are well worth the effort. Four popular fruit tree options for a rooftop garden include Apple, Peach, Pear, and Cherry. Each of these trees offers unique fruit flavors and characteristics that will make your rooftop garden a fruitful paradise.


Apple trees are a timeless favorite for orchards and home gardens, and they can thrive in rooftop gardens too. These versatile fruit trees come in various sizes, allowing you to choose one that fits your space. With proper care and pruning, apple trees can produce abundant harvests. Imagine plucking fresh, juicy apples from your rooftop and enjoying them straight from the tree. It’s a delicious reward for your urban gardening efforts.


Peach trees are known for their soft, aromatic fruits and attractive blossoms, making them a great addition to a rooftop garden. With their compact size or dwarf varieties available, you can grow a peach tree even in limited space. These trees require a sunny location, regular watering, and proper pruning to ensure a bountiful harvest. The taste of a ripe, homegrown peach from your own rooftop will be a true delight.


Pear trees are a great choice for a rooftop garden due to their elegance, productivity, and natural ability to adapt to various climates. These fruit trees can bring beauty and flavor to your urban oasis. Choose from a wide range of pear varieties, including those suitable for espalier or small spaces. With proper care, your pear tree will produce a satisfying harvest of sweet, juicy pears.


Cherry trees bring both beauty and delectable fruits to your rooftop garden. With their stunning blossoms in spring and the promise of a juicy harvest, cherry trees are a joy to grow. Choose from sweet or sour cherry varieties, depending on your taste preferences and space availability. Dwarf or compact varieties are excellent choices for rooftop gardens. Just imagine picking plump cherries and savoring their sweetness high above the bustling city.


Growing herbs in a rooftop garden is a practical and rewarding choice. These aromatic plants not only add flavor to your culinary creations but also provide fragrance and beauty to your rooftop oasis. Four popular herbs for a rooftop garden include Basil, Mint, Thyme, and Parsley. Whether you have a dedicated herb bed or simply plant them in containers, these herbs will thrive in the urban environment and enhance your culinary experience.


Basil is a versatile herb prized for its aromatic leaves and culinary uses. From Genovese basil to Thai basil, there are various varieties to choose from, each with its own distinct flavor and culinary applications. Basil requires plenty of sunlight, warmth, and well-draining soil to thrive. Grow it in containers or garden beds, and enjoy the fresh, vibrant taste of homegrown basil in your favorite dishes.


Mint is a refreshing herb that adds a cool burst of flavor to beverages, salads, and desserts. With its vigorous growth habit, mint is an excellent candidate for rooftop gardening. This herb can be grown in containers to control its spreading nature. Whether you choose spearmint, peppermint, or one of the many mint varieties available, you’ll have a continuous supply of fresh leaves for teas, cocktails, and culinary delights.

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Thyme is a versatile culinary herb that is as attractive as it is flavorful. With its small, aromatic leaves and delicate flowers, thyme adds a touch of beauty to any rooftop garden. This hardy herb can tolerate various growing conditions and requires minimal maintenance. From lemon thyme to creeping thyme, there are numerous thyme varieties to choose from, each offering its own unique flavor profile.


Parsley is a staple herb in many kitchens, known for its fresh, bright flavor and versatility. With its vibrant green leaves, parsley also adds visual appeal to your rooftop garden. This biennial herb can be grown as an annual, providing a continuous supply of fresh leaves for garnishing, seasoning, and culinary creations. Parsley requires well-draining soil and regular watering to thrive in containers or garden beds.


Perennial plants are a valuable addition to any rooftop garden, as they come back year after year, reducing the need for constant replanting. These plants offer a wide array of colors, textures, and forms, adding beauty and variety to your urban oasis. Four popular perennial choices for a rooftop garden include Black-Eyed Susan, Hosta, Daylily, and Lavender. Each of these perennials offers unique characteristics that will enhance the beauty of your rooftop space.

Black-Eyed Susan

Black-Eyed Susan is a cheerful perennial flower with bright yellow petals and a dark center, hence the name. This hardy plant can tolerate a wide range of growing conditions, including rooftop gardens. Black-Eyed Susan blooms from mid-summer to fall and attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Its vibrant flowers and long-lasting blooms make it a popular choice for adding color and visual interest to your rooftop garden.


Hostas are popular shade-loving perennials known for their attractive foliage and ease of care. With their bold, textured leaves and a range of colors, hostas add depth and visual appeal to your rooftop garden. These plants prefer partial shade and well-draining soil and are suitable for containers or shaded garden beds. Choose from various hosta varieties, each offering a unique leaf shape, color, and size.


Daylilies are beloved perennials known for their colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers and long blooming season. These plants come in a wide range of colors, from vibrant yellows and oranges to soft pinks and pastels. Daylilies are sun-loving perennials that thrive in containers or garden beds. Their low maintenance requirements and reliable blooms make them an excellent choice for rooftop gardens, adding bursts of color and charm.


Lavender, with its fragrant blooms and silver-green foliage, is not only a flowering plant but also a versatile perennial herb. This Mediterranean native is well-suited to rooftop gardens due to its drought tolerance and ability to thrive in sunny conditions. Lavender attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies and can be harvested for its aromatic flowers and oil. This perennial beauty adds a touch of elegance and relaxation to your urban oasis.


Shrubs are the backbone of any garden and are essential for adding structure, privacy, and visual interest to your rooftop space. These woody plants come in various forms, sizes, and colors, making them versatile additions to urban gardens. Four popular shrub choices for a rooftop garden include Forsythia, Hydrangea, Spirea, and Azalea. Each of these shrubs offers distinctive characteristics that will enhance the beauty of your rooftop oasis.


Forsythia is a deciduous shrub known for its vibrant yellow flowers that herald the arrival of spring. These early bloomers add a burst of color to your rooftop garden after the long winter months. Forsythia thrive in full sun to partial shade and prefer well-draining soil. Their arching branches and lush foliage create an attractive display even when not in bloom. Consider planting Forsythia near windows or seating areas to enjoy their cheerful flowers up close.


Hydrangeas are popular shrubs prized for their large, showy flower heads and ability to thrive in a range of growing conditions. From the classic mophead hydrangeas to the elegant lacecap varieties, there is a hydrangea for every rooftop garden style. These shrubs prefer partial shade and regular watering, making them suitable for rooftop environments with limited sunlight. With their diverse flower colors and long-lasting blooms, hydrangeas add charm and beauty to any rooftop space.


Spirea is a versatile shrub that offers multi-season interest in your rooftop garden. With its clusters of delicate flowers and vibrant foliage, spirea adds color and texture to your urban oasis. These shrubs come in various sizes and forms, allowing you to choose one that fits your space. Spirea prefers full sun and well-draining soil and requires minimal maintenance, making it an excellent choice for busy urban gardeners.


Azaleas are exquisite flowering shrubs that add a pop of color to your rooftop garden. With their stunning blooms in shades of pink, red, white, or purple, azaleas create a visually striking display. These shrubs prefer partial shade and well-draining, acidic soil. Azaleas are perfect for rooftop gardens with limited space, as they can be grown in containers or raised beds. Create a stunning azalea grouping and enjoy their stunning beauty from early to late spring.

In conclusion, rooftop gardens in the city can flourish with a wide variety of plant options, including evergreens, flowering plants, edible plants, vines and climbers, succulents, grasses, fruit trees, herbs, perennials, and shrubs. By carefully selecting the right plants for your rooftop garden and providing them with the necessary care, your urban oasis can become a vibrant and lush retreat amidst the concrete jungle. Whether you’re looking for greenery, color, fragrance, or even fresh produce, there is a plant for every rooftop garden enthusiast. So grab your gardening tools, embrace your urban space, and start transforming your rooftop into a stunning oasis that will be the envy of the city. Happy gardening!